Andreas Höfert is interested in developing a more accurate understanding of the world and the processes of life, contemplating on the subject of ecological change, climate crisis, digital life and the place of humans within all that. Understanding the human struggle for survival and fulfillment, the destruction it creates.
In his work he challenges dualistic epistemological frameworks by which we still create explanations and separations of the world in means of black and white, 0 and 1, us and them, digital and physical, human and non-human, good and bad. His research efforts go into understanding situations beyond these terms instead capturing the complex entanglements that are present in each situation and which gave rise to it. This research informs his design practice and vice versa.
His design practice often makes use of digital tools to give form to mental images, experiential realities that exist in the non-physical spheres. He uses installations to activate these spatially and create immersions that allow the viewer to experientially understand a research based, (self)critical message.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Product Design as well as a Master of Arts from the Master of Interior Architecture: Research and Design from the Piet Zwart Institute
Co-Founder Chimerical Intelligence Lab
2023_ Het Nieuwe Instituut: Anything that is alive cannot be in the gallery space
2022_ MIARD: Fire to the fortified backyard
2022_ Land art festival Flevoland: Fire to the fortified backyard
2019_ Graduation show Industrial design engineering (THUAS)
2018_ Dutch Design Week
© Andreas Höfert 2024. website, hosting and content by me.